The Poitou-charentes region is the second sunniest region of France
How to find us
The hamlet of Les Couts is situated in the Poitou-Charentes region (the second sunniest region of france..), approx 45km south of Poitiers, off the N10 at Couhé, on the D14 between Rom and Lezay. To find us please click onGoogle map : Les Couts, Vançais 79120 France.
Comment nous trouver Le hameau des Couts se situe dans la région Poitou-Charentes, (la seconde région la plus ensoleillée de France..), à environ 45kms au sud de Poitiers, sur la N10, prendre la sortie sud à Couhé, puis la D14, nous sommes entre Rom et Lezay. Pour nous trouver, veuillez cliquer Google map: Les Couts, 79120 Vançais.
By car Here are the most popular routes operated by the cross Channel ferry Companies and their approximate journey time :
By air The nearest airports are Poitiers (45mns away), La Rochelle (1 hour 40mns), Limoges ( 2 hours 10mns).
By train From London, St Pancras, the Eurostar will smoothly whisk you to the Poitiers station, via Paris Montparnasse or Lille in under or around 5 hours. .